Andi Garcia

Andy Munos Garcia, 7

Andi Munos Garcia, 7

Name: Andi Munos Garcia

Birthday: 9 February 2006

Grade: 3

Home life: Andi lives in a two room home with his mother, father, two older sisters (inlcuding Adriana) and little brother

Favorite school subject: Science

Favorite food: Chicken

Likes to do for fun: Play

What he wants to be in the future: Police Man

Where he would like to travel if he could travel anywhere in the world: Masaya

The thing he loves the most in his life: His mother

The one thing he would change in his life if he could: His father


Andy PG


Andi with his two sisters, brother, and mother, who sells food in the market

Andi and his little brother Brian

Andi and his little brother Brian

Andi paints volunteer's face :)

Andi paints volunteer’s face 🙂