Director of Development Jim Durham’s letter to our Donors
Dear Friends,
There are many options these days for philanthropy and charitable giving. Thank you for your kind generosity and for choosing Education Plus!
I’m sure that you want to make sure that your money is spent wisely and accounted for, that our organization has a specific purpose and plan, and that there are positive and visible results. You may also want to know our plans for the future, and be kept informed of our progress.
Education Plus has assembled a Board of Directors consisting of professionals with non-profit experience to oversee our work and to give us intellectual insight for planning and strategy. They, along with our licensed CPA, also review our detailed accounting records, down to the cent. Our 2013 and 2014 financial reports are available to review by clicking on the links on the top of this page.
As you may have read here on our website, we are dedicated to improving the future of the children that we serve through education. We are accomplishing this utilizing love, nutrition, core principles and social skills, and daily classroom instruction with professional teachers. Using this holistic approach of treating the whole child, we have seen amazing improvement in public school attendance and the grades our regular students have achieved. Because of our daily vitamin-fortified meal program, not one of our students still suffers from malnutrition. We have also witnessed an incredible social transformation in the behavior of the children by teaching them discipline, structure, social skills, and principles to live by. We’ve had several parents stop by and thank us for changing their child’s behavior and for helping them improve their grades. All of this while keeping our costs to $34 per child per month, including administrative expenses!
As for future plans, we will continue to teach a comprehensive English program which will provide our students with a very useful tool when they enter the job market or decide to continue to university. We will also continue to raise funds to improve and expand our facility and the services that we offer our students.
You will always be able to see our progress on our website, Facebook, through our periodic newsletters our annual report. And, if you ever have any questions, please feel free to email our Executive Director, Monica Loveley, or me, at any time.
Thank you for support, your thoughts and prayers, and your contributions to Education Plus. Collectively, we WILL provide these special children the hope and the opportunity to a prosperous future that they all deserve!
With much gratitude,
Jim Durham
Development Director, Education Plus Nicaragua