Prisila Castillo, 9
Name: Perla Prisila Ramirez Castillo
Birthday: 27 October 2004
Grade: 3rd
Home life: Prisila lives in a tiny one room wood home with her mother and two sisters (Diana and Gabriela). She shares a bed with Gabi and her mother.
Favorite school subject: English, Language and Literature
Likes to do for fun: Prisila loves to dance and study
What she wants to be in the future: A dance teacher
Where she would like to travel if she could travel anywhere in the world: New York, to visit her godmother
Her favorite things in the world: To study and her family
Short story about Prisila, October 2013, by former volunteer Anja
Who actually is this girl with the famous name? Prisila is the oldest daughter of Yami and Diana‘s sister. Everyone who doesn’t know Diana should have a look at Diana Castillo‘s page 😉
At 9 years old Prisila is already a very charming personality. She’s really mature for her age and a good and attentive English student. To keep it short: she is so friendly, so open-hearted, so helpful, so adorable and beautiful. She will win a lot of men’s hearts.
There was one time especially in Pantanal when Prisila showed me how generous she is. One morning, before she had class, she wanted me to make “tiste” with her, a national drink of Nicaragua. Tiste is made out of cornstarch, cocoa powder, sugar, water and ice cubes. I tried it once before and I didn’t really like it as it was very sweet, like all the Nica drinks – way too sweet for Germans. But I helped Prisila with preparing the drink. I think she was really proud that she could show me everything. And when it was finished, she offered me to try the tiste first. I was really touched by her offer as for Prisila tiste was something special, she couldn’t drink every day. So while I wasn’t too thrilled by the idea of drinking it, but I was really excited that Prisila wanted me to try first. I tried the first sip of our tiste and I still didn’t like it :-D. Nevertheless I was happy that I did as it made Prisila very happy which was more than worthwhile.
You showed me that people living in poor circumstance have often the biggest hearts. Thank you Prisila.
Watch a video of Prisila speaking English (this was taken when she was 8 – she is way better now even):

Prisila with her little sister Diana

Prisila receiving shoes from Education Plus at Christmas

Prisila gives some love to our volunteer Lisanne

Prisila with her family

Prisila walks arm in arm with her little sister Gabriela… and a box

Prisila with one of the family chickens

the sky is the limit!

Using an old headboard as a teeter totter with her cousin Chepe