March Newsletter – Stories from the Field

Dear Friends and Family,

   February was full of activity for the students of Education Plus.  Our students participated in the Granada International Poetry Festival, including a meet-the-author book fair and two children’s poetry writing workshops.  Lego Club has been a huge hit with the kids of all ages.  And thanks to two visiting volunteers from Mexico we now have an Ultimate Frisbee team playing daily after classes!

Below: Lego Club is a huge hit

Below: Students play Ultimate Frisbee with volunteers

Below: Students read their poems during the 12th Annual Granada International Poetry Festival

  At Education Plus we believe that just as important as academic skills are confidence, creativity, and play.  Yes we teach illiterate children to read.  Yes we teach English as an essential career skill.  On the same hand, however, we want to give children the opportunity to expand their horizons and develop into young adults with confidence and joy.  

Our day-to-day is aptly expressed in the words of some of our current volunteers:  


“Since the two volunteers from Mexico showed the kids how to play Ultimately Frisbee, the kids continuously play. I am really happy to see how many kids improve in class. At the beginning they didn’t feel comfortable to participate or they were shy and now I can see a big change.” – Carolin (Germany, returning 2015 volunteer)

     “I am enjoying my work at Casa de los Sueños so much. Teaching the kids English is so much fun, especially because they are willing to learn and also are making progress. Playing baseball with them on Fridays is awesome. The boys are asking me the whole week if we’ll play on Friday.” – Jannick (Germany) 

     “Volunteering this week at Casa de los Sueños was productive as ever. In the Big Bears, the children made houses with construction paper and drew many shades of bright colors for the roof, windows, and doors. In the Stars and Superstars we learned about what animals can and can’t do, in English. Playing legos at the end of the day is everyone’s favorite activity. Next week we will create super animals out of legos and talk about their supernatural abilities.” – Josh (USA)

As of today, we have 52 children matched with sponsors.  
It’s now 2016, which means we have a whole new group of children who have entered first grade and now need to be matched with sponsors.  Below are just a few. Clockwise from top left: Tony, Naomi, Nicolas, Jumari, Nicholas, Rebecca, and Conchita.

Click Here to Sponsor a Child Today
If you have not already, please consider sponsoring one of these promising children today.  To see a full list of children waiting for sponsors, please CLICK HERE.  Feel free to e-mail us for profiles of specific children.

Thank you all for being part of the Education Plus Family and for sharing the journey of the lives of our children with us.

With gratitude,

Monica, Jim, and the children of Education Plus Nicaragua

Monica Loveley
Executive Director
Education Plus Nicaragua

(+505) 8599 7392
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