Adriana Munos Garcia

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Name: Adriana de los Angeles Munos Garcia

Birthday: 30 January 2003

Grade: 4

Home life: Adriana lives in a two room home with her mother, father, older sister and two little brothers (including Andi)

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite singer: Selena

Likes to do for fun: watch tv, cook, dance and study

What she wants to be in the future: Doctor

Where she would like to travel if she could travel anywhere in the world: Germany

What is the most important thing in the world to her: to be able to work

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi