A Christmas Story

Christmas Gift Collage

 Click Here to read Volunteer Blog Story!

Happy New Year from Education Plus Executive Director Monica Loveley and Intern Keeley Walsh!

We are thrilled to start 2014 with the happiest news we’ve ever had to share.  Christmas 2013 was for sure the highlight of what has been an amazing year of growth for Education Plus and the children we serve.  After months of fundraising, planning, and organizing, weeks of identifying uniform and shoe sizes, and hours in Managua’s Oriental market, everything finally culminated with our Christmas events on December 24th and 25th.

We finally began to see our hard work pay off on the morning of the 24th as we moved backpacks full of school supplies and gifts for 98 students, 39 of their brothers and sisters, and 2 entire families to the school in Pantanal. Even though we had told the children to arrive at the hour their normal class times, the whole barrio seemed to be there before the first class had even begun. The day was full of joy and surprises as the kids opened their backpacks to find school uniforms, new shoes, notebooks, colored pencils, pens, stickers, pencils, scissors, pencil sharpeners, blankets, pencil cases, cups, story books, clothes, coloring books, art supplies, socks  and much more. The way the kids walked out of the room with their new backpacks on their back and proud grins on their face really said it all. Thanks to our generous donors we were also able to provide Christmas presents for 23 girls from an orphanage in Granada, as well as 50 children from another program at the other end of Pantanal. All in all, we were able to provide something for Christmas for over 200 children! Thank you sponsors!!!!  Those of you who sponsored individual children will be getting personalized e-mails with photos as the kids finish their thank you notes this month.

PicMonkey Collage3

December 25th started out the way it always has in Pantanal – the streets empty, silent and dusty.  However, by 1pm the party company and volunteers had arrived and the children of Pantanal were lining up behind brinca brincas (or bouncy houses) as they were inflated. Jim noted how the behavior of our kids had significantly improved from last year as they patiently waited in line; most likely at least in part due to our program, which encourages behavioral improvement by providing structure with both consequences and rewards. The party included music, dance competitions, four piñatas, two bouncy houses, face painting and was full of excitement! Vigoron (a traditional Nicaraguan meal), cotton candy, and popcorn were served for 300 people, with over 500 community members attending the party throughout the day and beverages provided for all. The fiesta was definitely one of the highlights of our children’s lives and was made possible thanks to your support and a huge contingent of Christmas volunteers!

Click on the collage below to view more photos from this special day 🙂

PicMonkey Collage

Thank you all so much for making these amazing things happen for the children of Pantanal.  We look forward to sharing even more smiles and successes with you in 2014!

Wishing a very happy 2014 to you all,

Monica, Keeley, Jim, and all of the children and volunteers of Education Plus



Girls with their new backpacks! Over 100 students received backpacks from us for Christmas this year.


Prisila Castillo

Prisila Castillo, 9

Prisila Castillo, 9


Name: Perla Prisila Ramirez Castillo

Birthday: 27 October 2004

Grade: 3rd

Home life: Prisila lives in a tiny one room wood home with her mother and two sisters (Diana and Gabriela). She shares a bed with Gabi and her mother.

Favorite school subject: English, Language and Literature

Likes to do for fun: Prisila loves to dance and study

What she wants to be in the future: A dance teacher

Where she would like to travel if she could travel anywhere in the world: New York, to visit her godmother

Her favorite things in the world: To study and her family

Short story about Prisila, October 2013, by former volunteer Anja

Who actually is this girl with the famous name? Prisila is the oldest daughter of Yami and Diana‘s sister. Everyone who doesn’t know Diana should have a look at Diana Castillo‘s page 😉

At 9 years old Prisila is already a very charming personality. She’s really mature for her age and a good and attentive English student. To keep it short: she is so friendly, so open-hearted, so helpful, so adorable and beautiful. She will win a lot of men’s hearts.

There was one time especially in Pantanal when Prisila showed me how generous she is. One morning, before she had class, she wanted me to make “tiste” with her, a national drink of Nicaragua. Tiste is made out of cornstarch, cocoa powder, sugar, water and ice cubes. I tried it once before and I didn’t really like it as it was very sweet, like all the Nica drinks – way too sweet for Germans. But I helped Prisila with preparing the drink. I think she was really proud that she could show me everything. And when it was finished, she offered me to try the tiste first. I was really touched by her offer as for Prisila tiste was something special, she couldn’t drink every day. So while I wasn’t too thrilled by the idea of drinking it, but I was really excited that Prisila wanted me to try first. I tried the first sip of our tiste and I still didn’t like it :-D. Nevertheless I was happy that I did as it made Prisila very happy which was more than worthwhile.

You showed me that people living in poor circumstance have often the biggest hearts. Thank you Prisila.

Watch a video of Prisila speaking English (this was taken when she was 8 – she is way better now even):


Prisila with her little sister Diana

Prisila receiving shoes from Education Plus at Christmas

Prisila receiving shoes from Education Plus at Christmas



photo 4 (2)

Prisila gives some love to our volunteer Lisanne



Prisila with her family


Prisila walks arm in arm with her little sister Gabriela… and a box

Prisila with one of the family chickens

Prisila with one of the family chickens








the sky is the limit!


Using an old headboard as a teeter totter with her cousin Chepe





Luis Navarro – Deutsche

Luis Navarro, 12

Luis Navarro, 12


Name: Luis Alfredo Navarro

Geburtstag: 27 Juni 2001

Klassenstufe: 2

Wohnsituation: Luis lebt mit seinen 5 Geschwistern und seiner Grossmutter in einem Zimmer

Lieblingsfach: Mathe

Hobbies: Fussball

Traumberuf: Polizist

Traumreiseziel: USA

Groesster Wunsch: ein guter Job


Kurze Geschichte über Luis: November 2013


Die 18-jährige Freiwillige Leonie Hohnholz hat zusammen mit einer anderen Freiwilligen, Inga Plum, ein Literatur Programm gestartet, als Ergänzung zum regelmäßigen Englisch Unterricht. Leonie und Inga arbeiten hart, damit kein Kind vergessen wird. Bei Education Plus glauben wir daran, dass jedes Kind, nicht nur die mit den besten Noten, das gleiche Potenzial haben und die gleiche Aufmerksamkeit verdienen.

Einer von Leonies Studenten ist ein 12-jähriger Junge mit dem Namen Luis. Luis lebt mit seiner Oma und fünf Geschwistern in einer Ein-Zimmer-Wohnung ohne Fenster oder eine funktionierende Tür. Der Boden der Wohnung ist die Erde auf dem das Haus damals gebaut wurde. Seine Mutter verschwand vor fünf Jahren während einer „Geschäftsreise“ nach Costa Rica, woraufhin der Vater die Familie verließ. Seine Großmutter stellt Luis, zu seiner Verlegenheit, ständig als langsam hin und das vor den anderen Kindern. Wie dem auch sei hatte er immer wieder Stolpersteine in seinem Weg beim Lernen, die aber nicht seine Schuld waren. Luis ist den anderen Kindern in seinem Alter hinterher, weil er vor ein paar Jahren aus der Schule genommen wurde, um seine Geschwister bei der Kaffeebohnenernte zu unterstützen. Seine Cousins machen es ihm auch nicht leichter, indem sie auf der Straße spielen während er lesen lernen soll. Es ist einfach nicht cool, wenn man lieber lernen will statt mitzuspielen. Aber Luis hat uns alle überrascht dank der Hilfe von Leonie. Hier ist was Leonie dazu sagt:

„Gestern arbeitete ich mit Luis, weil er für eine ganze Zeit nicht zu den Lesestunden gekommen war. Ich dachte wir müssten alles wiederholen, aber eigentlich machten wir einen ziemlich großen Fortschritt. Als wir mit dem Unterricht anfingen kannte Luis nicht einmal die Buchstaben. Dieses Mal erkannte er sie sofort und nach einer Stunde Arbeit begannen wir sogar mit dem Lesen. Nachdem die Silben geübt waren konnte Luis am Ende sogar seine ersten Worte lesen. Ich war glücklich darüber genauso wie er. Als ich ihm sagte, dass er wirklich einen großen Fortschritt gemacht hatte, war er so stolz, dass ich es in seinem Gesicht sehen konnte. Am nächsten Tag sagte ich ihm, dass ich ein Foto machen wollte während er las um es ins Internet zu stellen und jedem zu zeigen, was Luis gelernt hatte, weil ich so stolz auf ihn war. Es hat ihn sehr gefreut. Man konnte es in seinem Lächeln erkennen.

Wir sind stolz auf Leonie und Luis und freuen uns darauf euch über Luis weitere Fortschritte in den nächsten Jahren zu informieren.

Leonie and Luis reading together

Leonie und Luis beim Lesen

Luis studying hard at Edu+ with his fellow "Tigers"

Luis und seine Tiger-Mitschüler beim Lernen


Adriana Munos Garcia – Deutsche

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Name: Adriana de los Angeles Munos Garcia

Geburtstag: 30 Januar 2003

Klassenstufe: 4

Wohnsituation: Adriana lebt in einem 2-Zimmer-Haus, zusammen mit ihren Eltern, ihrer aelteren Schwester und 2 Bruedern.

Lieblingsfach: Math

Lieblingssaenger: Selena

Hobbies: fernsehen, kochen, tanzen und lernen

Traumberuf: Aerztin

Traumreiseziel: Deutschland

Wichtigeste Sache in ihrem Leben: arbeiten zu koennen

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi

Andi Garcia – Deutsche

Andy Munos Garcia, 7

Andi Munos Garcia, 7

Name: Andi Munos Garcia

Geburtstag: 2 Februar 2006


Wohnsituation: Andy wohnt in einer 2-Zimmer-Haus , zusammen mit seinen Eltern und seinen 3 Geschwistern

Lieblingsfach: Naturwissenschaften

Lieblingsessen: Huenchen

Hobbies: spielen

Traumberuf: Polizist

Traumreiseziel: Masaya (Stadt in Nicaragua )

Was er an seinem Leben aendern wuerde, haette er die Moeglichkeit : seinen Vater


Andi with his two sisters, brother, and mother, who sells food in the market

Andi and his little brother Brian

Andi and his little brother Brian


Diana Castillo – Deutsche

Diana Castillo, 3

Diana Castillo, 3


Name: Diana Adeliah Castillo

Geburtstag: November 2010

Klassenstufe: Vorschule

Wohnsituation: Diana lebt mit ihrer Mutter und ihren 2 Schwestern in einem Zimmer. Sie teilt sich ein Bett mit ihrer Mutter und einer ihrer Schwestern.
Lieblingsfach: spielen

Hobbies: mit dern Freiwilligen spielen, essen , tanzen

Traumberuf: noch unentschlossen

Traumreiseziel: Deutschland

Groesster Wunsch : dass Anja zurueckkommt


Kurze Geschichte über Diana, Oktober 2013, von ehemaliger Freiwilligen Anja

Eigentlich handelt meine Geschichte nicht von einem Kind aus dem Education Plus Programm, aber irgendwie doch. Dieses Kind – Diana – gehört zu dem Projekt, genauso wie alle anderen Schüler. Diana ist zwar noch keine Schülerin, die am Unterricht teilnehmen kann, aber sie ist das jüngste Kind der Pantanal-Familie und somit immer mit dabei. Die Familie stellt nämlich dem Projekt bzw. der Schule ihr Haus zur Verfügung.

Während meiner Zeit in Granada, begann sie gerade ein kleines bisschen mehr zu sprechen, was mit ihren zwei Jahren natürlich total süß war. Ansonsten war Dianas Tag schon perfekt, wenn sie durch die Gegend rennen konnte oder den anderen Kindern beim Unterricht zuschauen konnte. Am Anfang war sie mir gegenüber, genauso wie allen anderen Freiwilligen eher zurückhaltend, aber nach zwei oder drei Wochen vertraute sie mir. Ich denke, ich war die erste Freiwillige, mit der dieses süße kleine Mädchen Freundschaft schloss. Jeden Morgen, wenn ich in die Schule kam, ist Diana nach draußen gerannt und hat nicht aufgehört meinen Namen zu sagen – immer wieder. Und obwohl sie keinen Namen der anderen Freiwilligen wusste, kannte sie meinen. Ihre Mutter, Yami, erzählte mir sogar, dass Diana jeden Morgen fragte, ob ich in die Schule komm, um sie zu sehen. Wenn ich dann da war, wollte sie die ganze Zeit hochgenommen und durch die Gegend getragen werden. Sogar wenn ich wirklich beschäftigt war, konnte ich nie zu Diana nein sagen. Und dann kam dieser eine Tag, an dem Diana einen neuen Haarschnitt von ihrer Mutter bekommen hat. Sie sah so lustig aus mit dieser Frisur – vielleicht sogar ein bisschen wie ein Junge. Das wichtige an der Geschichte ist aber, dass ihre Familie, die anderen Kinder und vor allem Monica anfingen, sie „Pelon“ (Glatzkopf) zu rufen. Arme Diana! Deswegen war ich anfangs auch immer total dagegen. Wie konnten die anderen Leute nur dieses liebenswerte kleine Kind (meine beste Freundin in Pantanal) „Pelon“ nennen. Nur seitdem ich wieder zurück in Deutschland bin, finde ich das Ganze echt süß und ich habe angefangen an sie, als „mein Pelon“ zu denken. Sie ist einfach mein „Pelon“ und ich werde sie nie vergessen. Und Diana ist allein schon Grund genug nächstes Jahr wieder nach Nicaragua zu reisen. Bis nächsten Sommer mein „Pelon“!

Wir lieben dich Anja, besonders Pelon

Anja and "pelon"

Anja mit “Pelon”

Diana cleaning the front porch of the school

Diana beim Putzen des Eingangs der Schule

Diana, during Christmas 2012 art project

Diana während eines Kunstprojekts an Weihnachten 2012

"Pelon", with her little boy's haircut

Pelon mit ihrem kleinen Jungen Haarschnitt




Jose Luis – Deutsche

Jose Lopez, 8

Jose Lopez, 8


Name: Jose Luis Lopez Urbina

Geburtstag: 2 Maerz 2005

Klassenstufe: 3

Wohnsituation: Lebt in einem Zimmer mit seinen Eltern und seinem Bruder

Lieblingsfach: Mathe

Hobbies: spielen, Ausfluege mit seiner Familie

Traumberuf: Mechaniker

Traumreiseziel: Indonesien

Wichtigste Sache in ihrem/seinem Leben: arbeiten



Short story about Jose Luis, October 2013, by Dissa Ahdanisa

Dissa and Jose Luis

Dissa and Jose Luis

It was sunny and hot in Pantanal, and the kids were having their English class with Francis, the beloved teacher. Like other volunteers, I was helping some of the kids finishing their exercise. We went to some tables to sit down and help them if they have some questions. We were doing numbers in English. Professor Francis wrote down some number and the kids had to write it in English. Some kids did know what they were doing, so they came to us to confirm their answers, which mostly were correct. However, some weren’t that fortunate. They didn’t know how to say the numbers in English, let alone write them down. And José Lopez was one of them.

This cute 8 year old boy can write well and understand the what he needed to do to finish the exercise. He can spell 1-10 in english, he can say 100, 200 and other big numbers, but when we mix it, e.g 432 or 215, he gets confused. Instead of writing “two hundred fifteen”, he wrote “twenty one five”. So to finish his exercise, I tried to explain (with my broken spanish, of course) to him what to write and how to say “215”.

There were 10 questions and although it was a bit slow, we managed to finish all. He looked very happy and I was too! Not only because I get to help him finish, but also because I get to learn how to say these numbers in Spanish, win win indeed! 😉

Anyway, what I didnt expect was at the end of the class, he came to me and gave me a folded paper. He didn’t say anything and left straight away after I took the paper. I read it and this is what he wrote:

Jose Luis's love letter to Dissa

Jose Luis’s love letter to Dissa

Te mando esta carta y este corazon
(I send you this letter and this heart)

Te amo Dissa mucho mas
(I love you Dissa so much)

Jose y Dissa
(Jose and Dissa)

Te mando esta carta porque te quiero mucho mas.
(I sent you this letter because I love you very much)

Te amo mucho mas y te mando esta estrellas.
(I love you very much and I send you these stars)

Te amo mucho
(I love you so much)

Guess what? It’s a love letter! Yay! Hahaha I got my first love letter from José :). He drew a heart, lots of stars, and our name in every available space.  He is such a sweetheart and his letter made my day. I didn’t know why our simple tutoring session can make him write this cute letter. This is the most “te amo”s I got in a letter, haha.


Jose Luis playing with Legos on activity day

Hearts Jose Luis drew for Dissa

Hearts Jose Luis drew for Dissa






Andi Garcia

Andy Munos Garcia, 7

Andi Munos Garcia, 7

Name: Andi Munos Garcia

Birthday: 9 February 2006

Grade: 3

Home life: Andi lives in a two room home with his mother, father, two older sisters (inlcuding Adriana) and little brother

Favorite school subject: Science

Favorite food: Chicken

Likes to do for fun: Play

What he wants to be in the future: Police Man

Where he would like to travel if he could travel anywhere in the world: Masaya

The thing he loves the most in his life: His mother

The one thing he would change in his life if he could: His father


Andy PG


Andi with his two sisters, brother, and mother, who sells food in the market

Andi and his little brother Brian

Andi and his little brother Brian

Andi paints volunteer's face :)

Andi paints volunteer’s face 🙂



Adriana Munos Garcia

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Adriana Munos Garcia, 10

Name: Adriana de los Angeles Munos Garcia

Birthday: 30 January 2003

Grade: 4

Home life: Adriana lives in a two room home with her mother, father, older sister and two little brothers (including Andi)

Favorite school subject: Math

Favorite singer: Selena

Likes to do for fun: watch tv, cook, dance and study

What she wants to be in the future: Doctor

Where she would like to travel if she could travel anywhere in the world: Germany

What is the most important thing in the world to her: to be able to work

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi

Adriana, at the window of her home with her two little brothers, Brian and Andi

Jose Luis

Jose Lopez, 8

Jose Lo

Short story about Jose Luis, October 2013, by Dissa Ahdanisa

Dissa and Jose Luis

Dissa and Jose Luis

It was sunny and hot in Pantanal, and the kids were having their English class with Francis, the beloved teacher. Like other volunteers, I was helping some of the kids finishing their exercise. We went to some tables to sit down and help them if they have some questions. We were doing numbers in English. Professor Francis wrote down some number and the kids had to write it in English. Some kids did know what they were doing, so they came to us to confirm their answers, which mostly were correct. However, some weren’t that fortunate. They didn’t know how to say the numbers in English, let alone write them down. And José Lopez was one of them.

This cute 8 year old boy can write well and understand the what he needed to do to finish the exercise. He can spell 1-10 in english, he can say 100, 200 and other big numbers, but when we mix it, e.g 432 or 215, he gets confused. Instead of writing “two hundred fifteen”, he wrote “twenty one five”. So to finish his exercise, I tried to explain (with my broken spanish, of course) to him what to write and how to say “215”.

There were 10 questions and although it was a bit slow, we managed to finish all. He looked very happy and I was too! Not only because I get to help him finish, but also because I get to learn how to say these numbers in Spanish, win win indeed! 😉

Anyway, what I didnt expect was at the end of the class, he came to me and gave me a folded paper. He didn’t say anything and left straight away after I took the paper. I read it and this is what he wrote:

Jose Luis's love letter to Dissa

Jose Luis’s love letter to Dissa

Te mando esta carta y este corazon
(I send you this letter and this heart)

Te amo Dissa mucho mas
(I love you Dissa so much)

Jose y Dissa
(Jose and Dissa)

Te mando esta carta porque te quiero mucho mas.
(I sent you this letter because I love you very much)

Te amo mucho mas y te mando esta estrellas.
(I love you very much and I send you these stars)

Te amo mucho
(I love you so much)

Guess what? It’s a love letter! Yay! Hahaha I got my first love letter from José :). He drew a heart, lots of stars, and our name in every available space.  He is such a sweetheart and his letter made my day. I didn’t know why our simple tutoring session can make him write this cute letter..


Jose Luis playing with Legos on activity day

Hearts Jose Luis drew for Dissa

Hearts Jose Luis drew for Dissa